Finding Nemo coloring pages refer to the animated film, the plot of which revolves around the markets – a clownfish named Marlin, who together with a fish she accidentally met, Dory, is looking for her tiny son named Nemo.
The story begins when the titular Nemo, during his first lessons at school, strays into a coral reef and gets lost in the depths of the ocean. A concerned father and friend Dory set out to find him. The funny and at times dramatic story of the little clownfish’s search has made “Finding Nemo” one of the most popular and highest-grossing animated films for children. Nemo’s immense popularity also made him invade pop culture – the characters of the series can be found on clothing, gadgets, bags, toys and what interests us most at the moment – coloring pages, of course.
Finding Nemo coloring pages.
Especially for you we present more than 20 of the best Finding Nemo coloring pages. Below you will find coloring pages with cartoon characters such as Nemo, Dory, Marlin, Squirt, Idol, Coral and Bruce.
Nemo printable coloring pages.
Nemo is the main and title character of this adventure movie for children. Above you will find some funny coloring pages depicting this friendly fish during his adventures in the ocean.
However, before we get to coloring Nemo it is worth introducing his character briefly. So, Nemo is a 6-year-old clownfish – a curious little orange and white fish that recently turned 6 and has just started school.
Along with Marlin and Nemo, we also meet Dory – a funny little fish who loves to tell stories about her life over and over again. Dory is friendly and sociable, sometimes a little tiresome, however, this is because she suffers from short-term memory loss due to which she repeats herself very often.
Our Nemo coloring pages also feature the character Bruce. A nice and friendly shark who does not mindlessly eat other fish, this is due to the fact that he is undergoing drug therapy and believes that fish are friends and not food.
So this basic knowledge will be enough for you and you can start downloading, printing and painting Finding Nemo coloring pages right now?
You can download and print all the above Finding Nemo coloring pages absolutely free.